About SaveSmart

Why is SaveSmart distributing money in multiple funds instead of just 1 Liquid Fund?
Investing in a basket of liquid funds instead of just one helps to ensure you are not constrained to an individual liquid fund's instant withdrawal limi...
Thu, 7 Oct, 2021 at 11:42 AM
What is the rate of interest in SaveSmart?
SaveSmart is a tool to smartly park your surpluses into curated liquid funds. SaveSmart enables you to get liquid fund returns without missing out on the op...
Thu, 7 Oct, 2021 at 11:43 AM
Can I make changes to my SaveSmart account?
SaveSmart is built on smart algorithms to optimize returns and instant withdrawal. When you place purchase or withdrawal orders in SaveSmart, our algorithm ...
Thu, 7 Oct, 2021 at 11:44 AM